Discovering goodreads as an author
My 1st blog from earlier today on Goodreads says:
When I 1st discovered Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) I got on it right away and learned how to self publish. I have been cranking out e-books at a feverish pace to get the practice and experience in with just getting it done.
My 1st series is centered on a group of beings and a skill that Catholic Priests who are Excorcists need be familiar with – Demonology. I cranked these out with the help of Wordgenie which is offered through Designrr.
Now that I have figured out how to write, edit and publish my original ideas with the help of some technology, the process is becoming more refined. I am going back to all of my publications and conducting an “Editing Workshop” to make them really pop.
So far I am satisfied with the results that having this kind of technological leverage offers me. However, as mom always used to remind me “There’s always room for improvement”.

I have definitely heard of goodreads before, but for some reason I never really gave it much thought. Just yesterday however, I was in one of my favorite boutique cafes called BadAss Coffee in Virginia Beach, Virginia and could not help asking a fellow patron about her books. When I informed her that I was an author, she asked if my books were on goodreads. She searched my name and to my surprise only, my books were listed there.
She then sent me a link that walked me through the process of claiming my page to be recognized on the site as an author which I quickly clicked and completed the process. Earlier today I received confirmation that my application was approved. I am not surprised, but apparently Amazon is the parent company. I am a big fan and frequent shopper at Whole Foods, I have been able to upload a few of my credits onto IMDB, and now I am able to network with other authors and book enthusiasts through goodreads! All these wonderful places are the spawn of Amazon.