Happy Birthday Flor Elizabeth Carrasco
Happy Birthday to my wonderful Flor.
Most certainly the best friend I have ever had. You gave me the privilege of letting me spend every day with you. Intelligent, beautiful, funny, talented, athletic, creative, adventurous, spontaneous, and just so much fun to be with all the time. You played the roles of teacher, artist, singer, dancer, chef, farmer, gardener, and among other things – my greatest ally.
You were stronger than me. You saved me.
In the end, I was not there for you.
We did have some rough moments, but we always got through them better than we were before.
You inspired me, and showed me so many new things. I learned so much from you. There were so many firsts for both of us together and individually. I did so many new and fantastic things I may not have ever done if you did not only suggest, but plan too.
The best person I’ve ever known. No one has been better to me than you Flor. I miss you so much. I wish you were still here with me.
Nothing I can say or write seems adequate. A part of me went with you. I hope you will have me again when I leave this life. There is no other like you. You are the greatest person in the Universe.
I Love You Flor Elizabeth Carrasco.